Stories of Impact
KDMC Foundation Purchased a New Bench for Wound Care
When staff RN Kelli Rego of the KDMC Wound Care Center was in need of a more comfortable way for patients to sit outside for their rides, she turned to the KDMC Foundation. Approximately 38% of KDMC Employees give back to the Foundation through an employee giving plan. This bench was a natural fit for some of those funds. The beautiful iron bench now sits right in front of the clinic. Patient families can drive right up and pick them up. It’s a great addition to our facility and a great gift from the employees of KDMC.
The Strength of Partnership in Our Community

In September of 2017, the Willing Hearts Memorial Garden was dedicated at King’s Daughters Medical Center. One piece that was left incomplete was an area with benches and a table that would offer a place for employees and patients’ families to sit with a snack or a drink and relax. This is where First Bank stepped in.
“First Bank loves this community and wants to support it anywhere we can. When the KDMC Foundation offered this opportunity, it was an easy decision,” said First Bank Community President Cal Hodges. “For businesses like First Bank, there is nothing more important to have in the community than outstanding health care. We want to help KDMC as much as we can.”
First Bank donated $10,000 to finish this area of the garden. This was just the latest in a line of gifts to the Foundation from First Bank.
KDMC CEO Alvin Hoover made it clear: “We depend on great corporate partners, like First Bank, for support to our Foundation. This allows us to make much-needed improvements to our hospital. This gift was very important to us.”
The area is on the northeast side of the hospital near the main entrance on Biglane Drive. It features two iron and wood benches and a handcrafted table built by James Minter. James is the husband of the late Sue Fenn Minter, who is the namesake of the garden. The table features a Maltese cross, which is the symbol of the Willing Hearts Circle.
King’s Daughters Medical Center invites all visitors to come by and enjoy this part of the garden.