Visitation Policies

King’s Daughters Medical Center recognizes the importance and the rights of patients to have visitors; however, it also recognizes that its primary purpose is to help improve the health of the patient entrusted to its care. On those occasions where situations of visitation potentially distract from the promotion of the healing process, action may be taken which restrict or otherwise control visitation.


  • There will be no visitation for patients who require isolation.
  • Visiting hours are 9 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., including clergy members.
  • During visiting hours, visitors and non-emergency patients must enter the hospital through the front entrance only. After visiting hours, visitors must enter the hospital through the emergency department and receive special permission to visit a patient or department.
  • Information regarding patients' location should be obtained from visitor's information desk.
  • All pediatric patients may have two (2) adult visitors in any area of the hospital or clinics; both must be parents, guardians, or caregivers. The caregiver will be allowed overnight stays.
  • If the patient is physically or mentally incapacitated, one (1) adult caregiver may accompany the patient for the duration of the visit.
  • No more than two visitors per patient are recommended (one visitor at a time.)
  • At times other than visitation hours, one (1) family member may remain with a patient in every area with the exception of ICU. Only one adult visitor per patient may stay overnight in a private or semiprivate room.
  • Visitors are asked not to eat in a patient's room. Visitors are encouraged to eat in the Courtyard Café (cafeteria).
  • If desired, a patient may complete the “Hospital Visitation Authorization” form, which would allow a significant other who is not related by blood or by law to be given visitation rights should the patient become unresponsive during their stay. The completed form should be given to the patient’s nurse.
  • Visitation will be restricted or terminated for non-compliance with established visitor policies and/or declared emergency situations for the Hospital.


Family member means any person who plays a significant role in an individual’s life. This may include a person not legally related to the individual. Members of family include spouses, domestic partners, and both different-sex and same sex significant others.


  • One person (preferably a family member) may accompany an adult ER patient into an examining room. Both parents may accompany an ER patient who is a minor into an examining room.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the room while the physician conducts his examination.


  • ICU visiting hours - 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.. Visits are limited to thirty minutes and one adult at a time.
  • Overnight visitors in the ICU waiting room will be limited to one per patient. No children are permitted to stay overnight. Any exceptions to this policy must be made by the house coordinator.
  • Calls to the ICU will come through the main switchboard.


Visiting hours for postpartum patients are from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Visitors for laboring patients may wait in the LDRP family lounge on second floor. Visitors may not wait in the corridor during deliveries or at any other time.

  • Laboring patient: three (3) visitors including spouse or significant other – as condition allows.
  • During delivery: two (2) visitors, including spouse or significant other.
  • Postpartum patients: two(2) visitors.
  • Fathers/Guardians of the newborns, siblings, and grandparents may visit at any time, but siblings must be accompanied at all times by an adult. Fathers/Guardians, siblings, and grandparents will be issued appropriate buttons to wear to denote their relationship to the patient. These buttons must be worn at all times while visiting in the hospital.


  • Inpatient and outpatient surgery patients should enter the hospital through the front lobby entrance.
  • It is recommended that only two (2) visitors maximum per bed may visit and wait in an inpatient or outpatient's room during the pre and peri-operative period.